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Three Things To Know About A Tapotement Massage

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When you think of getting a massage, you might initially think of having your therapist work on your muscles by slowly kneading them. This is a common technique, but it's worthwhile to know that massage therapists also employ all sorts of other techniques with their clients. One common technique is called tapotement, which may not be a word that you've heard. When a massage therapist uses tapotement, they use the edges of their hands and make contact with your body with somewhat of a chopping motion. Some people may describe this technique as looking like a karate-style chop. Here are some things to know about a tapotement massage.

Varying Intensity

Your first thought when you hear that your massage therapist will use the tapotement technique on you might be a degree of concern about how it feels, given the chopping motion. It's important to know that massage therapists will vary the intensity of this technique based on the condition of your muscles. It's possible to apply very little pressure through tapotement, which is likely how your therapist will begin to treat you. Once you're used to this feeling — which doesn't hurt in the slightest, but certainly has a different feel than other massage techniques — the therapist may increase the intensity.

Not For Injuries

People visit massage therapists for all sorts of reasons, including the treatment of injuries. If a particular area is injured, there's a good chance that your therapist won't use tapotement to treat this area because even a gentle blow could do more harm than good. Massage therapists are skilled at understanding what specific technique will offer the most benefits to their clients. It's important for you to identify any injured areas at the start of your appointment so that your therapist knows which techniques will be most useful. For example, if you have a tight back but an injured shoulder, your therapist may use tapotement on your back but other techniques on your shoulder.

Unexpectedly Relaxing

Tapotement can feel more relaxing than you might realize. While it's not necessarily as relaxing as other techniques, you can start to feel your body relaxing after just a short period of receiving tapotement. The rhythmic nature of this treatment can even make you sleepy, just as hearing rhythmic sounds while you're in bed can relax you and cause you to drift off to sleep. Don't fight the urge to close your eyes as you receive your treatment, as your body will respond better to a massage when it's relaxed.

To find out more, contact a company like Canopy Clinic PDX.
